New Home Janome JW5622 Sewing Machine Threading Instructions



New Home Janome JW5622 Sewing Machine Threading Instructions.

Threading the Machine

Raise the take-up lever to its highest position by turning the handwheel toward you.
Raise the presser foot.
Place a spool on the spool pin as shown, with thread coming from back of the spool.


1. Draw the thread into thread guide using both hands.
2. While holding the thread near spool, draw thread down into the tension area and then around the check spring holder.
3. Firmly draw the thread up and through the take–up lever from right to left.

4. Then draw the thread down and slip it into needle bar thread guide on the left.
5. Thread the needle eye from front to back.


You can find the complete instruction manual here.


New Home Janome JW5622 Sewing Machine Threading Instructions

Singer 201 Sewing Machine Threading Instructions

Singer 201 Sewing Machine Threading Instructions

1. Raise take-up lever 5 to its highest point.
2. Place spool of thread on spool pin at top of machine
3. Pass thread through thread guide 1
Down, under and from right to left be­ tween tension discs 2 ( thread guard J, Fig. 9 guiding thread between discs).
4. Hold spool tightly and pull thread against take-up spring 4 until it enters retaining fork 3
5. Pass thread from right to left through hole 5 in take-up lever
Down through guide 6 on face plate Into guide 7 on needle bar bushing Into guide 8 on needle clamp
From right to left through eye 9 of needle. Draw about two inches of thread through eye of needle with which to start sewing.

Singer 201 Sewing Machine Threading Instructions


You can find the complete instruction manual here.

Singer 3323 Sewing Machine Threading Instructions

Singer 3323 Sewing Machine Threading Instructions


Singer 3323 Sewing Machine Threading Instructions.

This is a simple operation but it is important to carry out correctly as by not doing so several sewing problems could result.

Start by raising the needle to its highest point (1), and continue turning the handwheel counterclockwise until the needle just slightly begins to descend.
Raise the presser foot to release the tension discs.
Note: For safety, it is strongly suggested you turn off the power before threading.

Lift up the spool pin. Place the spool of thread on the holder with the thread coming off the spool as shown.
For small thread spools, place small side of spool holder next to spool. (2)

Draw thread from spool through the upper thread guide (3) and pulling thread through pre-tension spring as illustrated.(4)

Thread tension module by leading thread down right channel and up left channel.
(5) During this process it is helpful to hold the thread between the spool and thread guide.

At the top of this movement pass thread from right to left through the slotted eye of the take-up lever and then downwards again. (6)

Now pass the thread behind the horizontal thread guide, and then behind the thin wire needle clamp guide (7) and then down to the needle which should be threaded from front to back.

Pull about 6-8 inches of thread to the rear beyond the needle
eye. Trim thread to length with built in thread cutter. (8)

You can find the complete instruction manual here.

Brother VX780 Sewing Machine Threading Instructions

Brother VX780 Sewing Machine Threading Instructions


Brother VX780 Sewing Machine Threading Instructions.

Before threading, raise presser foot and take up lever to the highest position.

Then place spool of thread on spool pin.

1. Pass thread through the eye of upper thread guide.
2. Pass thread between upper thread tension discs.
3. Bring thread down and up through thread guard from left to right so the thread picks up the thread check spring.
4. Pass thread into the eyelet of the thread take up lever from left to right.
5. Bring down again and pass thread through the thread guides.
6. Thread needle from front to back and draw the thread out about 2 in.

If the thread threading order is not correct, thread breakage, stitch skipping, wrinkling of fabric will occur.

You can find the complete instruction manual here.

Singer 301 301A Sewing Machine Threading Instructions

Singer 301 301A Sewing Machine Threading Instructions




See Figs. 6 and 7
Raise take-up lever 8 to its highest point,
Place spool of thread on spool pin 1
Lead thread into thread guide 2
Into thread guide 3
Down into thread guide 4
Down, under and from right to left between tension discs 5 Hold spool tightly and pull thread up against ta_ke-up spring 7 until it enters retaining fork 6
Pass thread up into thread guide 4
From right to left through hole in take-up lever 8
Down through eyelet 9
Into wire thread guide 10
Into wire thread guide 11
Into guide 12 on needle clamp
From right to left through eye of needle 13.
Draw about two inches of thread through eye of needle.

Singer 301 301A Sewing Machine Threading Instructions

You can find the complete instruction manual here.